Remedial massage

What is remedial Massage?

Remedial massage is a therapy aimed at treating muscles that are damaged, knotted, tense or immobile. It is useful for a number of problems that affect the muscles, tendons and bones. Below are are list of benefits Remedial massage can provide.

benefits of Remedial massage

Stimulates the blood flow

Remedial Massage moves blood through the congested areas. Improved circulation and release of tension is created through increased blood flow.

Makes joints more mobile

Remedial Massage improved joint range of motion and releases the tension and stress.

Helps repair damaged tissues

Remedial Massage is beneficial for helping repair and lengthen the muscles which in turn helps to align the scar tissues.

Helps with recovery of injuries

Remedial Massage can provide faster recovery if you suffer or have suffered from an injury.

Reduces pain and inflammation

Relieves pain, relaxes painful muscles, tendons and joints, relieving stress and anxiety.

Improves well being

Overall Remedial Massage improves your health by relaxing the body, reducing muscle tension, improves circulation and reduces stress and promotes a good night sleep.

Book A massage today

Book a Remedial Massage today click below to book or contact Robert on 0418 339 542

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